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in 2012:

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India I.S.E Shanghai
Euro Dow Jones Gold
Nasdaq Brasil Madrid
CAC40 Sydney HongKong
Oil Xetra
Russia Canada Africa
Beurs Milan Euronext


Welt_Online The_Australian The_Guardian Japan_Nikkei   China_Daily
Best 101
Companies of
North America

Best 101
Companies of

Best 101
Companies of
Asia and Russia


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The_Independent   Le_Monde   Russia_Kommersant   Time_World
TheHindu Geoinvesting marketedge kiplinger

101Companies - Best opinion, tips and advise about the most popular stocks.
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Published 22 April 2012 By: The Author of 101Companies
The 10 largest companies in the world generating 213 billion dollars profit together in 2011. The 101 largest companies in the world generating together a total profit of 1044 billion in 2011.
1 percent of all companies in the world generating 50 percent of the total profits, so choose big. Join us on Facebook and give your opinion

Published 13 April 2012 By: Jonathan Yates Peter Lynch prefers stocks with a price to-earnings growth ratio of under 1, and Warren Buffett likes his companies to have low more

Published 15 Mar 2012 By: Regina Hing If investing in the stock market is starting to look appealing again, here’s what you need tolook for: Large -cap companies that have strong sales and cash flows, and that also pay high more